Book Club:

The Four Agreements

by Don Miguel Ruiz

Create a Heaven or Hell on Earth. 

Which do you choose?



Author: Don Miguel Ruiz

Number of pages: 140

Length of book club: 4 weeks (with a bonus meeting!)


Have you ever looked at your life and wonder how it got so far off course?  Perhaps it resembles more of nightmare than a dream?


You have the ability to create the life you want AND create a Heaven on Earth for yourselfThis is something YOU can do yourself without having to wait for others around you to change.


In this book, The Four Agreements, you will learn about four things you can do in your life that will completely change it for the better.




No time to be in a book club?

This book club is like no other because it takes place in the morning

before the rest of life has even started!


We meet for an hour over Zoom on Wednesdays at 6:15 am MST.


Meet new people...

Words of wisdom.  A different way to think about life.

The "four agreements" will completely change

the way you live your life!

  • Be impeccable with your word



  • Don't make assumptions




  • Don't take things personally



  • Always do your best







Weekly Meetings

Meet weekly to talk about the book and share insights and practical ways of implementing the "four agreements". 

The meetings are held via Zoom on Wednesdays at 6:15 am MST.


Meeting days:

Wednesday, March 3rd

Wednesday, March 10th

Wednesday, March 17th

Wednesday, March 24th

BONUS: Wednesday March 31st

Membership Site

Access to a membership site that will help you track what we are reading in the book each week.


Be a part of a community of other amazing people that are open to looking at life from a different perspective

and want to  create a Heaven on Earth.  Meet new people and get access to a private Facebook group.


    Are you ready to start creating a Heaven on Earth for yourself?


      About Us

      This book club is part of our Magical Mornings series.  By getting up an hour earlier each morning, you can create that EXTRAORDINARY life you dream about!  


      To learn more about our Magical Morning series, click HERE.

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